Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Subway B-boys on a Downtown A-Train

Ahh the ubiquitous subway dancer boys! Such fun for the out-of-towners. But look at the genuinely disinterested expression on the face of the girl in the foreground.  New Yorkers take pride in being unimpressed by the impressive.  Search high and low, the only true enthusiasm you'll find in the big apple is on a Broadway stage.

These boys are behind her dancing to undeniably happy music performing death-defying feats of acrobatics on a herky-jerky moving train, and she can't be bothered to have a look.  Why should she? She's probably seen it all.

I however gave them some change, and now I'm making them famous.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I love impromptu music and dance...she should have turned that terrible grimace into a smile. It sure made me smile :) I love NYC!
